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Weeknights at 4am | 3c

In the year 2065, the Tracy family run International Rescue - a top-secret organization whose ongoing mission is to rescue people trapped in extraordinarily dangerous situations using their advanced Thunderbirds machines.

Next Airings

Feb 18th 4:00am ET

Trapped in the Sky

The Hood plants a bomb aboard the Fireflash. Can International Rescue bring the airliner down without using its landing gear?

Feb 19th 4:00am ET

Pit of Peril

The Army's new Sidewinder falls down a burning pit. Can International Rescue haul the machine out of the pit before it breaks up?

Feb 20th 4:00am ET

The Perils of Penelope

Professor Borender is kidnapped and his assistant, Sir Jeremy Hodge goes to Lady Penelope help find the missing scientist. While on the trail, they are captured on a monorail train by the villainous, Dr. Godber. Along with his henchman, Roache, Godber has Lady Penelope tied to the monorail track and threatens her life when the next train comes through unless the two scientists reveal the details of a conversion formula that Godber demands.

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R.I.P. David Graham, longtime voice actor from ''Thunderbirds'', ''Supercar'', ''Doctor Who'' and more
The voice behind "Thunderbirds", "Fireball XL5", and "Peppa Pig" will be dearly missed. He was 99 years old.

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